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Subclinical Acne: Treatment Options and What You Should Know

subclinical acne

If you have surfing skincare and dermatological-related websites, then you must have come across the term subclinical acne. Which, of course, is not surprising considering the numerous strides that we have made in diagnosing skincare anomalies. This peculiar type of acne, which typically manifests itself as flesh-colored small bumps, is also commonly referred to as comedonal acne by most specialists in this field. The breakout can appear almost anywhere on the body and is hardly limited to the face, neck or shoulders. It can be particularly hard, nevertheless, to decipher whether or not a subclinical acne is an early stage of a looming whitehead breakout or just an unrelated rash. Luckily for you, this excerpt is intended to break that down as accurately and comprehensively as possible.

What is Subclinical Acne?

If you are wondering what is subclinical acne, then the following section will go a long way in helping familiarize yourself with this matter. You see, subclinical acne is just a term that is commonly used by dermatologists to describe acne that is colorless, small and it's infancy stages. Sometimes, it can be used as a technical synonym for blackheads and whiteheads before they reach their advanced stages. Either way, you are looking at pimples that have not broken through your skin's surface.

Subclinical Acne Causes

As you may have guessed by now, there are several subclinical acne causes that you should be on the lookout for if you are interested in holding off these skin-coloured bumps. The good thing, fortunately, is that most of the things that would precipitate subclinical acne forehead are easily preventable as shown by this quick list.

1. Poor Hygiene

One of the easiest ways to provoke subclinical acne into showing up on your otherwise flawless skin is by allowing bacteria and sweat to sit and fester on your pores. This mostly happens to people who work out regularly but then fail or forget to wash off the sweat from their faces post workout. The clogged pores are often an ideal breeding ground for the acne-causing bacteria behind subclinical breakouts.

2. Hormones out of Control

It's no secret that raging hormones such as cytokines, cortisol, adrenal androgens, and neuropeptides are a recipe for subclinical acne. And it is easy to see why considering that all these are hormones with the ability to inflame or trigger one's sebaceous glands to produce more oil than it is normal. Besides, all these hormones are known to cause increased inflammation and an elevated histamine release that makes your complexion susceptible to breakouts.

3. Stress

As much as stress does not directly trigger subclinical acne, being under chronic emotional or mental turmoil can exacerbate and worsen subclinical acne on forehead. In other words, if your skin tends to constantly breakout, then stress only makes things worse by triggering the release of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which as we have seen above, are hardly skin-friendly.

4. Diet

Excessive consumption of processed foods and dairy products can trigger not just subclinical acne but also harder-to-treat versions such as cystic acne. As a consequence, you may find yourself with a peculiar case of skin-colored bumps and, before you know it, they could morph into painful cysts with a tendency of leaving unsightly scars behind.

5. Using Comedogenic Skincare Products

Apart from overwashing your face, the next worst thing that you may be doing to your complexion on a daily basis is using pore-clogging skincare products. Using such a poor choice of skincare products means that your pores are likely to trap more dirt and grime compared to when you are applying non-comedogenic cosmetics. Speaking of which, this rule applies to everything including makeup essentials and sunscreen.

How to Get Rid of Subclinical Acne?

Wondering how to get rid of subclinical acne? Worry no more! Subclinical acne treatment is actually easy to hack using a combination of lifestyle changes and easily available OTC treatment options which also double up as products for subclinical acne. Here's a quick primer to that.

1. Over the Counter (OTC) Treatments

There are several subclinical acne products that range from benzoyl peroxide, face cleansers to topical treatments containing a generous amount of salicylic acid like AENO's Acne Treatment Natural Cream. As far as this goes, the active ingredient in your preferred mode of treatment determines how effective it will be in eradicating those pesky and annoying bumps. While salicylic acid, for instance, is an incredible peeling agent that is specialized to strip away the external-most layer of one's skin, benzoyl peroxide is revered for its unparalleled ability to reduce the production of sebum and inhibit the proliferation of acne-causing bacteria.

2. Lifestyle and Habits Changes

One way to treat subclinical acne is to immediately put an end to habits and practices that could be causing your skin to break out. So that means replacing all comedogenic hair and skincare products in your dressing table with non-comedogenic varieties and not overwashing your face needlessly.

In Closing

There you have it; how to treat subclinical acne without putting a dent into your bank account. Sometimes just remembering to wash off your makeup before you hop into bed or not sharing your makeup applicators can go a long way in keeping your skin clear of subclinical acne.

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